20 Memories from 2020
On December 22, 2020 by jmweb13. COVID Heart Hotels
The Delta Prince Edward did an amazing job of giving our front line workers some hope. It was an attraction to many. Other hotels did the same but to less fanfare. Kudos to all.

12. Comet Neowise

It was all the rage during the Summertime. I did happen to go out a few times unsuccessfully but eventually, that bad luck turned as I ended up getting a few shots.
11. Sail Past Summer
The Bluenose II did a tour around the maritimes which was cut short due to bad incoming weather.
10. Sir John A MacDonald defaced.
I snapped these pics for Twitter but just after posting them I had a great reporter reach out suggesting I send them into The Canadian Press. And so I did. A short time later, a large rally took place.
9. Black Lives Matter March

The largest march probably in the history of Prince Edward Island with nearly everyone wearing masks as recommended by Dr. Heather Morrison.

8. Manhunt on the Southern Shores
As I was leaving Yarmouth, Nova Scotia heading towards Lunenburg, I heard about a manhunt after someone had seriously injured a police officer. Another Nova Scotia town was living on the edge.

7. Operation Inspiration
After a month of terrible news on the East Coast, Operation Inspiration had the Snow Birds fly across Canada over many different cities. Charlottetown was no exception however operation inspiration would turn to tragedy later on following a malfunction of one of the aircraft.