Charlottetown Remembrance Day Service
On November 11, 2022 by jmwebFor the first time in multiple years, the Charlottetown Remembrance Day service returned to normal. The last two years, things have been slower due to the pandemic however when I walked up Queen Street, I noticed the fire trucks were ready and people had gathered.
Like other Remembrance Days, I went out to grab some imagery. As per years pre-covid, the Fire Department had their two ladder trucks out with a flag in between.

Being on top of a ladder truck, I patiently waited as the ladder truck was lowered to the ground before taking off to the rest of the ceremony. P.S. Did I mention I am terrified of heights? But honestly, it was very exciting being up top! From here, I went around the Confederation Court Mall to the other side, where the cenotaph is and sure enough, there was tons of people.

In 2020 & 2021, the Remembrance Day service was small due to the COVID19 pandemic. In 2022, they returned to normal as thousands showed up.