Assignments . Blog . Editorial . People . Prince Edward Island
Annual PEI Guardian Cover Photo
On December 28, 2021 by jmwebThe Guardian today released their annual Santa photos edition featuring my imagery taken at the Confederation Court Mall. I usually hear from a great group of people with some great praise. One of the stores I regularly visit for snacks, reminded me that it is their best selling edition of PEI’s newspaper.

Assignments . Blog . Editorial . Prince Edward Island
Sir John A MacDonald Statue Removed | National Cover Photos
On June 8, 2021 by jmwebOnce I heard about Charlottetown City Council voting to remove the Sir John A MacDonald statue, I emailed 5 people from the city asking when the removal would take place. I received 2 responses; A Twitter (Chtown account) direct message and an email from the communications coordinator. “Hi John, this is going to be worked