Tag: pei

The Atlantic Bubble

Life inside the Atlantic bubble has been pretty good. Outside some spurts of COVID19 activity which is usually controlled, we’ve been pretty lax & lucky down here. As Greg Mercer wrote for The Globe & Mail, “the East Coast is healthy and thriving under some of the country’s toughest health rules. Here’s how they did Read More

PEI Schools Pace Reopening Amid Pandemic

It’s September but March break has officially ended for the kiddos as they head back to school after an extended break due to COVID-19. Read More

Black Lives Matter – The Protest

On Friday, June 5th we had a rather large protest on PEI. It was for the #BlackLivesMatter protests and the crowd that gathered was nothing short of …well, huge. It was the largest protest on Prince Edward Island that I have witnessed and it had a tremendous response. It started at the Coles building where Read More

Veseys: From Snails Pace to Overrun with Orders

When COVID19 hit, Vesey Seeds took a major hit on sales. Things plummeted to a snail’s pace. As people started to breathe properly again, things took right off increasing the sales of the Island company 450%. It was so bad at one point they had to turn off their online ordering for one section of Read More

Westmoreland River Nature Park – #PEIWaterfalls

May 30th was a rainy and weird day. At 430am, it looked rather nice out however by late morning this had taken a turn. It was rather rainy and miserable. I wanted to head out to snap some photos during the day and debated on where to go. Since rainy days are great for capturing Read More

PEI’s Crucial Tourism Sector

Prince Edward Island’s tourism sector is going to take a tough hit this coming Summer as COVID-19 is devastating the economy. I write this although I am optimistic that we will be able to pull further ahead than anticipated. In slowdowns of the past, the Island usually will see more tourists visiting from Nova Scotia Read More

PEI Shutting down PEI Liquor Corp Stores

Today it was announced that PEI will shut down the publicly owned liquor stores. This caused a mass rush for people to head out to the liquor stores. For The Globe & Mail. Read More

Wet’suwet’en support at Confed Bridge cont.d

Indigenous supporters and demonstrators showed up at the entrance to the Toll Booth at the Confederation Bridge on Monday until around noon. They were showing their support for the Wet’suwet’en. The demonstrations were peaceful and slowed cars by a few seconds however at no point was there a full closure of the road. Police were Read More

Snowstorm Impacting PEI

A snowstorm is currently impacting downtown Charlottetown. The day started off with some ice pallets really impacting the roads however it has now changed over to a snowstorm. Don’t forget to take a moment to subscribe to my newsletter, as visible in bottom right corner. Read More

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